1) What is the current status of this sector of the industry?
The UAV sector of the industry is primarily used by military operations. At present, the sector has been expanding, and will foresee exponential growth in the future. Currently the Pentagon has over 7000 aerial drones, a stark comparison to a mere 50 drones on hand nearly a decade ago -- Predator Drones & UAV's. Moreover, Congress was recently asked to instill approximately $5 billion dollars into the 2012 federal budget for the drones themselves. The importance of drones in the US Military cannot be underestimated. They've played a critical role in the war on terror, particularly with respect to missions carried out in the Middle East (Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.). They've also killed several well known terrorists with their onboard lethal armament, eliminating the human-risk element in the process. That's one of the greatest benefits of the drone program -- the lack of the risk towards human life, which can be eliminated via the use of such drones. Nonetheless, the current status of the UAV industry is that it's rapidly expanding, thanks to its military success.
2) What are the issues in these sectors that must be evaluated while moving towards the future?
One of the issues is with respect to personal privacy. That's a big problem with foreign countries and the use of US-based drones. Many of those countries (such as Pakistan) have complained about the use of American-drones, comparing it to spy-equipment, and complaining about its use as a deadly weapon. Pakistan recently made a statement within the last few weeks citing that the United States should respect Pakistani 'sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity' -- Predator Drones & UAV's. Domestically, privacy is also a concern. While there are no present rules and/or regulations regarding privacy and drones, the concern is that commercialized drones could be used for surveillance purposes here in the US, without the knowledge of those being surveilled, of course. In other words, a case of 'big brother watching us all', or anyone for that matter (since drones are entering the commercial sector) having the capability to remotely surveil people. Other concerns are coming from human rights activists. Human rights activists are claiming that the being overtly dependant on technology to make killings by the US Military more easily attainable, drone operators may see killing people as simply a game, akin to playing a video game. In May 2010, a drone operator had launched an airstrike from the drone he/she was piloting, leading to the death of 23 Afghan civilians (women and children amongst them -- Innocent Afghan Deaths by Drone Operators. The American military claimed the airstrike was caused by inaccurate and unprofessional judgments by the drone operator(s) conducting the flight.
3) What is the 5-10 year outlook for this sector?
The projected outlook 5-10 years from now is progressing towards substantial expansion of the use of UAV's. On February 14th, 2012, President Obama signed a new federal law granting allowance to the FAA for use of drones for commercial operations. Commercial operations such as aerial photography, real estate overviews, crop dusting, oil spill and wildlife monitoring, and comparable commercial endeavors -- Predator Drones & UAV's. Police agencies and emergency based services will also be allowed to utilize drones for their services. Because this new law was passed, you can expect the UAV manufacturing business to soar. Commercial-based drone activity will now be available. Obviously the FAA will have some regulations regarding this (and they already do, such as the requirement of drones less than 4.4lbs for police/emergency services, and a max flight altitude of 400 ft). This whole genre is still quite new to the FAA, particularly with respect to the commercial sector, so it'll be an ongoing effort for the next 5-10 years as more regulations are established and commercial drones are made readily available.
4) What is/will the government's involvement be in this sector?
The government already has a heavy involvement in the UAV sector. At present, military operations are all governed by the government. Commercial operations were granted by the government, and the FAA will also oversee the appropriate rules/regulations regarding the commercial operations of UAV's. The governments involvement is substantial as they're essentially responsible for the development of the UAV market (military use), and its subsequent spread towards commercial use domestically. In many ways, the governments involvement with UAV's will be on par with it's involvement with your typical human-piloted aircraft. There's a military sector, and a commercial/private sector. Basically the same development with the UAV's, minus the human element.
5) What are possible career opportunities in this sector (be specific, which may require you to find actual job descriptions)?
Career opportunities in the UAV sector are very comparable to those found in aviation as a whole. A career as a UAV maintenance technician, for example, is one such career. Of course, the jobs as a UAV pilot are also available, and seem to be very easily attainable. Most simply require a high school diploma -- UAS/UAV Operator Career. Because the expansion into commercial UAV operations is now underway, jobs such as sales and marketing, management, customer service and other various opportunities are (and are soon to be) available in relatively large quantities. Most of these jobs seem pretty easy to obtain if you have a college degree (which we'll all have). If none of these jobs suite your interests, you could also pursue the manufacturing route (engineering, design, manufacturing, etc.). At present, there are already many, many companies you could work for -- check out all the UAV companies by clicking here. With the expansion that's projected over the next 5-10 years, one should expect an immense amount of job opportunities.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
Ex-Im Bank & The Aviation Industry
Export-Import Bank of the United States.
1) What is the Export-Import Bank?
1) What is the Export-Import Bank?
The Export-Import bank is a federal-government based credit
agency for the United States .
Essentially, they're a financing company backed by the US Government. It's a
longstanding agency that was established over 75 years ago during the Great
Depression. The purpose was to facilitate the exportation of American products,
particularly during World War II. It’s part of the executive branch of the United States ,
and its sole intent is to provide financing to foreign entities for the
purchase of American products and/or goods. The bank itself is self-sustaining,
and its primary purpose is to help maintain and create American jobs by
financing the sale of exported American-produced goods. The bank itself takes
on enormous risk that private-based creditors are not willing to accept (the
risk of loan default). Private companies are often unwilling or unable to
accept certain risks by financing huge-sales, such as the sale of a significant
number of American-manufactured aircraft to foreign entities. To support the
sale of these American commodities, the Ex-Im bank provides the necessary
financing to the foreign entity. Moreover, the Ex-Im bank fully insures the
sale and financing, therefore -- American companies will get paid for the
purchase regardless of what occurs with the loan (such as if it defaults).
The Ex-Im bank provides two types of loans; Direct Loans,
and Intermediary Loans. Direct loans are loans provided directly to foreign
buyers of American exports. Intermediary loans are loans provided to other lending
agencies, whom then use those funds for lending purposes. A great way to think
of the Ex-Im bank is to think of the way student loans work and operate. Few
(or in some instances, none) of the student-loan companies in the US are
willing to provide student loans to students straight out of high school (age
18-19). In the instances that they have, the loans provided were at very high
interest rates, and/or very low amounts. To help students go to school, the US
Government provides federal funding (federal financial aid) to students, in the
interest of promoting higher education. Stafford Loans are an example of this.
The purpose of financial aid for students is to provide funding for students to
further their education post-high school. Without federal funding, few students
would be able to go to school, and/or would have a very difficult time
obtaining loans. The Ex-Im bank works the same way, but with respect to the
exportation of high-value American commodities.
For instance, let’s suppose that 'Saudi Arabia Aircraft
Leasing Corp.' was interested in purchasing 40 Boeing 737-800 aircraft for the
purpose of sub-leasing them to various Middle-Eastern airlines, and SAALC
needed financing for the sale. The average cost of a 737-800 (roughly $80
Million), times 40, and you're looking at financing approximately $3.2 Billion
dollars. Would Chase Bank of American or CitiGroup be interested in financing a
$3.2 Billion dollar loan to a Saudi Arabian company? Likely not. Chase or
CitiGroup or any other American entity may not even have that type of
cash-on-hand available for disbursement, either. Even if the they were able to
finance such a loan, the interest rates offered by these financing companies
would likely be so unappealing that SAALC would likely reject their financing
offers, and either not purchase the aircraft all-together, or significantly
reduce their order size. To ensure this doesn't happen, the Ex-Im bank would
handle this sale. Why? To support the sale of such pricey and valuable American
commodities, such as the aircraft produced by Boeing. Ex-Im would finance the
entire $3.2 billion. Boeing would receive a guarantee on the loan, meaning
Boeing's risk of default is zero. Thereby meaning, Boeing (or any other American
company backed by a purchase completed through Ex-Im) is going to get their
money, period.
2) What is its relation to the aviation industry?
The Ex-Im bank finances high value commodities such as
aircraft, locomotives, manufacturing plants, American-equipment, even
international construction projects such as bridges, skyscrapers, and other
various high-priced commodities. With that being said, the Ex-Im bank is
extremely important for those commodities manufactured here in the United States .
Why? Because most other urbanized-industrialized countries have the same type
of government-backed financing to support the sale of their commodities for
-their country-. If the United
States couldn't finance such commodities,
sales of these types of commodities would plummet. If you go back to the
Saudi-Arabian example I gave above, if SAALC couldn't obtain the $3.2 Billion
worth of financing to purchase those 40 Boeing 737-800 aircraft, or if they did
obtain the financing -- but at a poor interest rate, wouldn't they shop
elsewhere? Of course they would. Where would they go? Probably straight to France ,
and why? The country of France
has their own Ex-Im-type bank to back the financing necessary to sell their
French-produced Airbus aircraft. So, if they could obtain the financing from France for 40 Airbus A320 aircraft (which would
roughly cost about $3.2 Billion also), at a pleasant federal-interest rate, but
couldn't from the US
(say because we lacked an Ex-Im bank), then of course they would buy the Airbus
aircraft. Subsequently, sales of these pricey-American
commodities would suffer dearly as a result, something we fortunately have not experienced since the establishment of the Ex-Im bank...yet -- anyways (see #3 below).
3) Why has it been in the news lately?
It's been in the news lately because the Ex-Im bank is about
to reach its $100 billion lending cap within the next two months. As such,
congress needs to authorize a lending extension by May. There's no denial that
the charter that permits the Ex-Im to exist (which must be renewed by May 1st)
will be renewed, the problem here is the extension of the lending cap. Once the
lending cap is reached ($100 billion) as anticipated sometime before June, no
further financing could occur by the Ex-Im bank. All said and done, they'll
basically have no more money to lend, having capped out at $100 billion (the
lending cap). Financial support from the bank has risen so much over the last
few years (doubling over the past four years to approximately $41 billion
annually) that it's caused the bank to approach it's lending cap limit of $100
billion far in advance than previously anticipated -- Ex-Im Bank & Congress Approval.
There's much debate in Congress over reauthorizing the lending cap, something
with President Obama supports (to help create American jobs and boost exports),
but is still an ongoing issue in congress. There's a lot of politics involved,
pros-cons, etc. of whether to extend the lending authorization, or not --
something which I won't get into, nor interject my opinion on, but you can read
all the pros and cons of the potential reauthorization and the Ex-Im bank as a
whole by clicking here.
4) What is the ATA stance on this? What about Boeing?
Boeing is confident that the lending cap will earn an
authorized extension
-- Boeing Confident.
Additionally, Boeing is the largest beneficiary of the Ex-Im bank's financing
--Export-Import Bank & American Firms.
Boeing wants to sell planes, of course, and the Ex-Im bank helps them do so.
Clearly, they're going to 100% support anything and everything to do with
increasing lending capability within the Ex-Im bank.
With respect to ATA, the Air Transport Association of
America Inc., the ATA does not support the lending cap extension. In fact, the
ATA recently filed a complaint against the Ex-Im bank with respect to a recent
sale of Boeing aircraft to Air India .
The complaint alleges that Air India, whom was unable to obtain financing for
the purchase of the Boeing aircraft, was able to obtain financing through the US 's Ex-Im
bank. As such, Air India
was able to (and will be able to) use the new Boeing aircraft to compete
against American carriers on lucrative international routes. You can read more
about the ATA's allegations by clicking here.
In essence, the ATA's complaint is that because the Ex-Im bank helps foreign
air carriers obtain capital to purchase Boeing aircraft, those carriers are
then using those Boeing aircraft (financed by the Ex-Im bank) to compete
against American companies (American-based air carriers).
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Corporate Aviation Company -- ADI Inc. (Aerodynamics Inc.)
ADI Inc. (Aerodynamics Inc).
General Information About the Company
ADI Inc. is Aerodynamics Inc., based in Pontiac
Michigan (Waterford Michigan )
at the PTK-airport. They're a Part 91, 121, 125 and 135 operation based charter
company, which basically allows them to conduct a wide variety of operations to
meet their corporate customer needs. The company was founded in 1959 by Frank
P. Macartney, and was actually started at PTK airport at that particular time,
where it presently resides today. Merely a year after its inception, ADI was a
representative for piper aircraft, and was becoming relatively well known in
the general aviation community during the early 1960's. This was expanded upon
further when in 1963, they entered into a long-term association with Beechcraft
to become an authorized distributor of aircraft, parts, and maintenance
services to operators in the State of Michigan .
That's essentially how the company began and grew over the coming years (and
decades). As revenue grew, aircraft were added, the customer base expanded,
jobs were created and the company sustained decent growth through the years.
The acquisition of a competitor (also located in PTK / Pontiac) in 1988 also
helped grow the company substantially, having acquired that particular
competitors fleet, facilities, services, customers, etc. Recently, ADI acquired
an Airbus A319 to conduct domestic and international charters for their
customers. The A319, configured in a business-like setting, is comparable to
the Boeing BBJ (Boeing Business Jet -- a Boeing 737 configured for long-haul
corporate use). Having added the A319 to ADI's fleet will help grow their
customer base to include international customers and/or domestic customers
looking to travel internationally. In 2011, ADI was sold and subsequently
purchased by Scott A. Beale, whom is now ADI's CEO. Presently, ADI still
resides in PTK and continues a successful operation there. Under Scott Beale's
directive, ADI is working to expand their operations by opening a new location
in Atlanta ,
mirroring their operations base here in PTK.
Fleet wise, they have a large fleet consisting of various
aircraft to meet their customer needs. Typically, the Citation Excel and
Gulfstream III are often available for on-demand charter based operations,
according to ADI's website. However, their aircraft span from King Air's, Pilatus , Hawker's, Beechjet/Beechcraft's, Citation's,
Learjet's, and Gulfstream's. Primarily a jet-based fleet, but they retain a few
turboprop aircraft (such as the PC-12 and the King Air). The A319 is part of
their fleet, too. All aircraft are configured in a corporate-like setting, of
course, with various amenities to meet the individual customer’s needs. On a
side note, ADI also conducts MRO services on all of these aircraft (MRO meaning
Maintenance Repair Overhaul). So, any other corporate company (or anyone whom
may have these particular planes) can have maintenance done (heavy maintenance
or otherwise) at ADI, as it's something they're certified for, both by the FAA
and those respective aircraft manufacturers.
ADI also handles aircraft sales. Having been a long-term
dealer for Piper, Beechcraft, and other manufactures for several decades,
they're well versed in selling aircraft. They offer services with respect to
selling your aircraft, acquiring an aircraft (purchasing an aircraft), and
assist first time owners with making purchasing decisions. If you were to use
ADI, for example, you could work with them to outline all the amenities and
features you want in an aircraft. Perhaps you needed long-range, you wanted at
least 10 seats, wifi capability, leather interior, etc., ADI would then take
this information and conduct a worldwide search for aircraft that best fit that
particular description (the customer's needs). Obviously utilizing such
services comes with a cost, but, if you were unfamiliar with buying an
aircraft, had no idea what you were doing, and/or simply didn't know where to
begin, then this would maybe be an ideal option to look into. Even after
finding an aircraft, ADI would help assist you through the entire sales process
till the aircraft was fully in your position. A valuable service for the
inexperienced aircraft-buyer. Additionally, ADI offers a detailing service
(interior and exterior), something that you could use had you purchased an
aircraft (and handle this with their sales department as described above), or
whether you simply were in town and wanted to have your aircraft detailed at
A few interesting facts about ADI – Surprisingly, they fly
nearly a quarter-million passengers annually. By all means not a small
operation, even though they're (in the big scheme of things) a relatively small
carrier. Over 205 employees, consisting of flight crews, mechanics,
technicians, and support staff -- work for ADI. On average 98% of their flights
are on time, featuring 40 average daily departures. They have 7
smaller-subsidiary bases in 6 different states, and surprisingly, have only had
1 majority owner since 1959.
Career Opportunities
ADI actually has several job opportunities available,
ranging from pilot jobs, to flight attendants, management, maintenance, and
dispatch-related. Various sales jobs are available also. These are all career
opportunities available to a management and/or flight related degree earned
from Eastern. To list these job descriptions on here would take up pages of
information, however a list of all the available jobs (and you can click on the
jobs to view their descriptions) is available on JSFirm -- Click Here for Details.
Since I’m neither a flight student nor presently flying, the pilot jobs are
obviously not available to me. However, considering they're looking for Embraer
145 pilots, it's safe to say it looks like ADI will be adding an Embraer 145
aircraft to their already-large fleet. One of the jobs I’d be interesting in,
which is one of the reasons why I chose to write about ADI in this blog, was
their flight following job (dispatch). Assuming all goes well and as planned, I
should have my FAA dispatcher’s license within the next couple months. Once
that's done, I’ll have met all the qualifications for the flight following job
at ADI, should I choose to pursue it. The qualifications are that you have to
be at least 18 years of age, effective communication skills, read-write-understand
the English language, a high school diploma, college degree (preferred but not
required), dispatchers license, knowledge of Microsoft Office (word, excel,
outlook, etc.) and some customer service experience. The job duties as a flight
follower at ADI would be to manage the successful outcome of all flights;
customer, flight crew and maintenance coordination per flight operations;
ensuring accurate data input per flight following; assisting in data collection
reporting and development; and assisting with other ADI managed aircraft on an
as-needed basis. This particular job posting can be found Here. Nonetheless, with
their long established reputation and good-longstanding status as a corporate
aviation company, ADI seems like they'd be a great company to look into, and/or
eventually working for.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
FAA Reauthorization Bill
Three of the Most Important Functions
of the Bill
~Synopsis ~
The new FAA reauthorization bill introduces several new
and/or improved functions directed towards aviation. All are important, however
-- subjectively, a few seem to be more important than others. Out of all of the
new and/or improved functions that are introduced, NextGen would seem to be the
one that would have the greatest impact in the aviation industry. Another would
be with respect to runway safety improvements, with respect to reducing the
number and severity of runway incursions. Lastly, and this was a tough choice,
but since it's a current affair, the EU ETS ordeal. I considered alternative
fuel research, which I think is highly important, but alternative fuel research
is so far beyond the scope of aviation right now, we probably wouldn't begin seeing
alternative fuels in mainstream operation for at least another 10-15 years.
Yes, there have already been biofuel-based tested flights, but they're just
that -- test flights (they were successful, by the way). It's one of those
things that's always brought up in politics (all the 'going green' hype), but
nothing ever really comes out of it, and the next thing you hear is that we
need to 'drill more' (oil). So, while alternative fuel research sounds great,
and its part of this authorization plan, I doubt we'll see anything significant
for at least a decade or two, maybe more. I think its something that needs to
be researched, nor am I negating its importance, but there are other problems in the present that should be addressed. Nonetheless, on to NextGen, which is probably the most important
aspect of the reauthorization bill.
1) NextGen
NextGen is the Next Generation Air Transport System, which
will generate major improvements in safety, airspace capacity, flow control,
efficiency (time and money wise), and various other benefits. It's something
that's desperately needed given the projected growth in the aviation industry
over the next decade (and onwards). The anticipated passenger-enplanement rate
is pretty remarkable, growing 2.4% a year from 2011 through 2031
-- FAA Forecast & Fact Sheet. Doesn't
sound like much, but at 2.4% -per year-, US domestic enplanements is expected
to grow from approximately 150 million passengers in 2010 to approximately 374
million passengers in 2031. Clearly, more than double the amount of people
flying today. With an already heavily congested national airspace system in
2011, NextGen implementation is nothing short of a dire necessity, given the
future of the industry. NextGen implementation is already under way as we
speak. For starts, RNAV-based departures and approach procedures (SID's and
STAR's) are now in effect at several of the nations busiest airports, such as
Atlanta-Hartsfield. These RNAV based procedures are one of the fundamentals of
the NextGen based system. RNAV refers to area navigation, which allows aircraft
(aircraft with avionics qualified for RNAV) to use ground or space (satellite)
based navigation aids to assist in point-to-point navigation. RNP, another
function of the NextGen system, is RNAV, but also includes onboard performance
monitoring and alerting capability. In other words, it's RNAV, but the
aircraft's avionics can now inform the pilots if the aircraft can or cannot
meet the required performance measures necessary for that particular SID/STAR -- FAA Fact Sheet & NextGen. RNAV and RNP
combined are called 'PBN', or 'Performance Based Navigation'. This is the
desired objective with NextGen. The whole concept of NextGen in layman’s terms
is to cram more aircraft into an already tight airspace system. The best way to
do this (safely) is via PBN. If each aircraft could effectively predict,
manage, and adjust various components of a flights departure and/or approach to
very accurate -- precise standards, more aircraft could be streamlined into an
airfield. The less dependence on vectors the better, and hopefully, vectors for
departure and approach could eventually be eliminated all together (though this
probably won't come for many, many decades from now, till all aircraft and airfields
are equipped with PBN capabilities). As evident, NextGen is crucial to the
future of the aviation industry, and is probably the most important aspect of
the FAA reauthorization bill.
2) Runway Incursions
Runway safety improvements. Big deal here and this goes quite a ways back. Runway incursions are a well known problem in aviation. Historically, the most infamous runway incursion incident occurred over 30 years ago, which was theTenerife disaster. Tenerife was really an eye-opening experience for the
FAA, and subsequently became the poster child for runway incursions for decades
to come. More emphasis was placed on new controller-based (ATC) technology than
from an aircraft standpoint. The onset of newer computer technology during the
1980's and 90's paved the way for better airfield surveillance capabilities,
eventually leading to the development of SMR -- Surface Movement Radar.
However, back then, computers were very expensive, and imagine the price tag on
computer technology to survey an entire airfield during those years was huge.
As such, only major airports were able to afford the technology. It worked and
it worked well, as runway incursions rates declined significantly. Keep in
mind, this technology was used by controllers. The technology offered the
ability to track aircraft movements around the entire airfield, thereby
lessening the necessity to rely on visual cues (watching from the tower) and
various other human factors. However, at smaller airfields (unable to afford
the technology), there was of course no change in incursion rates. As
technology progressed, newer incursion technology came about during the 1990's.
SMR evolved to ASDE, or Airport Surface Detection Equipment. ASDE was no
different than SMR, but now it included vehicular traffic. Therefore, not only
could controllers monitor aircraft movements, but they could monitor all
vehicles moving about the airfield. Slight improvement, but still substantial.
This eventually led to AMASS in 1992, or the Airport Movement Area Safety
System. AMASS was ASDE, but with a software program attached to it, which was logarithm
based. The logarithm would predict the paths of departing and arriving traffic,
and any types of predictions with respect to vehicle movement (such as if the
software 'felt' that a vehicle was about to cause an incursion). The logarithm
utilized the position, velocity, and acceleration of both airborne and
ground-based aircraft, and airfield vehicles, to predict the onset of a
potential incursion. If predicted, visual and aural alarms would be presented to
the controllers, whom could then take appropriate action. AMASS was tested at
San Francisco Intl. in 1992, and worked well, however due to budget problems
(the program was $30 million over budget), never became fully operation till
2001 (at SFO, the initial test airport). AMASS went on to be installed at over
30 of the nations busiest airports a few years after the initial -official-
installation at SFO. AMASS is still in use today, and has prevented many, many
potential disasters in the US
(you could research these). AMASS was recently in use with ASDE-3, the 3 simply
means the 3rd generation ASDE system (again, newer technology evolves over the
years, so they upgrade the system). Think of it as upgrading Windows; from
Windows 98, to 2000, to XP, to Vista , to 7,
etc. Same concept. SMR to ASDE to ASDE-2, ASDE-3, and now this leads us to the
present system -- ASDE-X. ASDE-X is the newest system which is based on
AMASS/ASDE-3. AMASS is somewhat of an outdated term now. ASDE-X *is* AMASS and
ASDE-3, just the newest version, coined under one term (ASDE-X).
With ASDE-X, now we've come full circle to NextGen (back to my second paragraph on NextGen). ASDE-X is the newest system that is part of the NextGen plan. It encompasses a new feature (not part of AMASS/ASDE-3), called ADS-B, or Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast. ADS-B supports data based linkage (think internet like), both in and outwards (downloading and uploading). ADS-B relies on surface based radar and transponders installed on aircraft and ground based vehicles. It's the most accurate system to date, the present one in use, and is NextGen compatible. Moreover, it uses GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System), which is the hallmark of ADS-B, and why it's compatible with NextGen. Via the use of GNSS, the system is able to provide the exact coordinates, altitude, speed, and heading identification markers -- via a data link, to controllers. The benefits of this are enormous; precise aircraft position monitoring, elimination of blind spots for controllers and pilots, conflict avoidance countermeasures, complete and total surveillance coverage, and the ability to retain awareness regardless of weather conditions -- Benefits of ASDE-X. Clearly, a major safety enhancement. All said and done, you see how runway incursion technology has evolved, how we've come full circle, how it ties into NextGen, and how it all plays a significant part in the future of the aviation industry.
3) EU ETS -- European Emissions Trading Scheme
Lastly, with respect to the EU ETS (European Emissions Trading Scheme), the EU ETS is a present day factor that was fortunately included in the reauthorization bill. With respect to the reauthorization bill, the reauthorization bill further reaffirms theUS 's stance on the EU ETS. Congress
used this act to further exemplify the US 's stance with respect to the EU
ETS. Basically, it's just another jab at the EU, and rightfully so. The act
specifically stated that the DOT and the FAA were to use "all political,
diplomatic, and legal tools to ensure that the EU ETS is not applied to any US
registered aircraft and/or US
operator". Hopefully such stern terminology, and the inclusion of this
terminology in a federal bill, will help aide in the abandonment of the EU ETS
for US carriers. The US
has felt that the EU should have gone through ICAO with respect to the ETS, and
also feels that the EU ETS violates the Chicago Convention. Moreover, they
believe that the EU hasn't properly cooperated with foreign entities to address
the problem of emissions. Instead, they've taken it upon themselves.
Subsequently, including the EU ETS in this bill was done to further address the
issue and hopefully help eliminate the EU ETS (in the US 's favor).
Will it work? Hopefully. We'll find out soon enough.
2) Runway Incursions
Runway safety improvements. Big deal here and this goes quite a ways back. Runway incursions are a well known problem in aviation. Historically, the most infamous runway incursion incident occurred over 30 years ago, which was the
With ASDE-X, now we've come full circle to NextGen (back to my second paragraph on NextGen). ASDE-X is the newest system that is part of the NextGen plan. It encompasses a new feature (not part of AMASS/ASDE-3), called ADS-B, or Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast. ADS-B supports data based linkage (think internet like), both in and outwards (downloading and uploading). ADS-B relies on surface based radar and transponders installed on aircraft and ground based vehicles. It's the most accurate system to date, the present one in use, and is NextGen compatible. Moreover, it uses GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System), which is the hallmark of ADS-B, and why it's compatible with NextGen. Via the use of GNSS, the system is able to provide the exact coordinates, altitude, speed, and heading identification markers -- via a data link, to controllers. The benefits of this are enormous; precise aircraft position monitoring, elimination of blind spots for controllers and pilots, conflict avoidance countermeasures, complete and total surveillance coverage, and the ability to retain awareness regardless of weather conditions -- Benefits of ASDE-X. Clearly, a major safety enhancement. All said and done, you see how runway incursion technology has evolved, how we've come full circle, how it ties into NextGen, and how it all plays a significant part in the future of the aviation industry.
3) EU ETS -- European Emissions Trading Scheme
Lastly, with respect to the EU ETS (European Emissions Trading Scheme), the EU ETS is a present day factor that was fortunately included in the reauthorization bill. With respect to the reauthorization bill, the reauthorization bill further reaffirms the
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